Sunday, June 28, 2009

My First Blog Entry

First I would like to introduce myself. My name is Kyle I live in Knoxville, TN. I moved from Nevada to Tennessee, with my family. I graduated in 2007 with no honors :) I've always hated working for other people for maybe a little more then minimum wage.

When I graduated I worked for a Real Estate Company for about one and a half years. I learned a lot even though the job sucked. During this time I was using my little paycheck for buying inventory for selling on eBay. No major investment I think I spent about $100 to $400 an order at first and the orders were selling so fast I just kept putting my money back into the same 2 products.

I now have much more inventory and store it all in a large storage unit that I had customized with shelving. We will go more into this in later posts though. I would now consider myself an expert at eBay. I know the fundamentals around what it takes to be a Successful (Power) Seller on eBay. I did not participate in any get rich quick scheme. Nor do I dropship any of my items all the items I have a bought with my own money. (aside from my brother investing)

With a little knowledge and self motivation you also can be having fun making profits on eBay. Do you have what it takes to compete in one of the most competitive markets ever?